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Friday, 27 May 2016

Personal reflection

In your learning journal Personal reflection, reflect on the following questions:

What different identities do you take on at work?
Does your organisation respect some and devalue others?
How do you learn what is expected of you in terms of these different identities?
How much power do you have to change that?
What different identities do you take on at work?

I think this reflects my background well as when I do go to work I need to put on a very confident sure of himself person. I am required to do this due to the type of individuals I can meet on a daily basis. I always as a teacher need to show an identify of knowledge and experience to gain my students engagement.

•Does your organisation respect some and devalue others?
In my opinion its sad to say but yes. I have seen throughout my career where individuals did appear more favoured than others.
•How do you learn what is expected of you in terms of these different identities?
The ground rules are set from the start where I am aware of exactly what I can and cant do. Different identities are used to develop the team as well as help support others around you. The identities in the team gel together to make a more work affective unit
•How much power do you have to change that?
In relation to power I supervise groups of people however my opinions always need to be reviewed by supervisors. I have powers however to voice my opinion in a way that is tactful and factual
I'm not currently in a managural position but I hold a lead position as a trainer within our office. I identify with the lead role with new hires in training. Since I've been in my position and very knowledgable about the work I also identify as a go to 'senior' co worker for others. I like to empower, and motivate others which is another identity that projects how we can have several identities at work.
Some changes or easier than others. We all have days when we or more or less motivated. This changes my identity role because I become quiet and more apt to want to work alone. Its funny how emotions and feelings can seemingly change the atmosphere, energy in a room.
The building of identities, and maintaining our various identities traverses all aspects of our life. A good module to listen to. If we examine the individual relationships we have with people, we recognise that we are not the same with each and every person. Each relationship has implicit and explicit boundaries, and we all apply idiographic reasoning to the identities we project to individuals, as well as in specific situations.
It is important that workers take on the identities that will help them progress in an organisation. One of the key roles of a manager is to help people do this.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Are there particular forms of identity that are important?
I think the role of the manager is to make sure their workers/staff is effective in their work. If the manager identify employee who wants to progress or have some talent and put him forward that is a bonus. Our job is to lead the way and help as well as look for potential. Unfortunately there is that moment where or top is not interested as they have people they are like or the company cannot offer any development as most post are already covered. This than become a major issue and demotivates employees and others .

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